Thursday, 30 June 2011

My fav cello cover

Nothing Else matter cello cover

Bad Romance-cello cover

Chop suey-cello cover

Wedding dress-cello cover

apologize-cello cover

I need a doctor-cello + piano cover

I'm (Heart) CELLO~!!!!!

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

The new network...


Google Plus

The brand new social network, Google Plus...its so epic..the date of release dont know yet..but its gonna be better...but its?let's we see what gonna happen..people will choose which one..GAMBATE  Google~!!!

Monday, 27 June 2011

Shuu Shumiil..

Uh Ma Gawsh~!!!First time, i watch this video i was like 'alolololo...'HAHAH~!!i love this kitten

Malaysia Pon Boleh:SHAWN the Boyz with BeatBox...

shawn lee
Malaysia Boleh~!!!You guys must be wondering who this chienes boy rite?This is Shawn Lee Malaysia's BeatBoxer~!!!Fuh~!!salute you bro~!!His start doing beatbox on 14years old.At first,he dont know anything about beatbox.And he started to search on youtube, and he find out about beatbox and he start to loving it.From there he start to doing cover version doing beatbox.

2009 , he has been invited by organized to WorldBeatboxerBattle in Berlin,Germany.He got place number  9th out of 45 participant from 40 countries.This is , he first attempt enter the competion.He come back from Berlin, he enter Malaysia beatboxing And1 and become champion~!!

He have done alot  collaboration with  Diana Danielle,Suki and Altimet.Now Malaysia's violin Dennis Lau also accompany Shawn almost 3years.

p/s:keep it up bro..still can tight it up~!!!

seksaan wanita...

perempuan yang digantung dengan rambut dan otak di kepalanya mendidih. Mereka adalah perempuan yang tidak mahu melindungi rambutnya dari pandangan lelaki lain.

perempuan yang digantung dengan lidah, tangannya dikeluarkan dari punggung dan minyak panas dituangkan ke dalam kerongkongnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka menyakiti hati suami dengan perkataan.

perempuan digantung buah dadanya dari arah punggung dan air pohon zakum dituangkan ke dalam kerongkongnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang menyusui anak orang lain tanpa izin dari suaminya.

perempuan yang diikat kedua kakinya serta kedua tangannya sampai ke ubun-ubun, dililit oleh beberapa ekor ular dan kala jengking. Itu adalah balasan kepada perempuan yang mampu solat dan berpuasa, tetapi tidak mahu mengerjakannya, tidak wuduk dan tidak mahu mandi junub. Mereka sering keluar rumah tanpa izin suaminya dan tidak mandi bersuci setelah haid dan nifas. 

perempuan yang makan daging tubuhnya sendiri sedangkan di bawahnya ada api yang menyala. Golongan itu adalah perempuan yang berhias agar dilihat oleh lelaki lain dan suka menceritakan keburukan orang lain. 

perempuan yang memotong badannya sendiri dengan gunting dari neraka. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka membanggakan diri sendiri agar orang melihat perhiasannya. 

perempuan yang kepalanya seperti kepala babi dan badannya seperti keledai. Mereka suka mengadu domba dan sangat suka berdusta 

perempuan, wajahnya berbentuk anjing dan beberapa ekor ular serta kala jengking masuk ke dalam mulutnya lalu keluar melalui duburnya. Ia adalah akibat daripada perempuan yang suka marah kepada suaminya dan memfitnah orang lain.

p/s:manisnnya kurma ini...ingat-ingatlh kawan ku..

Bribe with Maserati cars?

Lolz~!!what the hell he thinking?trying bribe cops with maserati cars?Value of each one of the car is  $UK100,000(RM500,000)..DAMN~!!!

 This story i read on internet.London fashion millionaire, George Davies offer two cops with Maserati  if they release him after been arrested for druken driving.

He also has been ask by the police to do breath test,after been arrested for driving car Quattroporte as fast 272KM/H...*fuh~!!not bad for 69 year old guy..lolz.The jugde, have found guilty on George and he has been ban from driving for 12 months and been fine $UK1000(RM5000)

pic from:busniessoffashion
George Davies
Next and George at Asda


Me not working hard?
Yeah, right, picture that with a Kodak
Or better yet, go to Times Square
Take a picture of me with a Kodak

Took my life from negative to positive
I just want y'all to know that
And tonight, let's enjoy life
Pitbull, Nayer, Ne-yo, Tesra

Tonight I will love, love you tonight
Give me everything tonight
For all we know we might not get tomorrow
Let's do it tonight

Forget what they say
All my cares, they play
Nothing is enough
'Til I've had enough

(Let's do it tonight)
I want you tonight
I want you to stay
I want you tonight

Grab somebody sexy, tell 'em hey
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight

Take advantage of tonight
'Cause tomorrow I'm off to do battle, perform for princes
But tonight, I can make you my queen
And make love to you endless

It's insane to wait and they ain't growin' money
Keep flowin', hustlers move beside us
So I'm tip-toeing to keep blowing
I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan

Put it on my lap, baby
I make you feel right, baby
Can't promise tomorrow
But I'll promise tonight

Excuse me but I might drink a little more than I should tonight
And I might take you home with me if I could tonight
And baby, I'ma make you feel so good tonight
'Cause we might not get tomorrow

Tonight I will love, love you tonight
Give me everything tonight
For all we know we might not get tomorrow
Let's do it tonight

Forget what they say
All my cares, they play
Nothing is enough
'Til I've had enough

(Let's do it tonight)
I want you tonight
I want you to stay
I want you tonight

Grab somebody sexy, tell 'em hey
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight

Reach for the stars
And if you don't grab them, at least you're on top of the world
Think about it
'Cause if you slip, I'm gonna fall on top of your girl

When I'm involved, it goes deeper than them aces
Baby, baby, and it ain't no secret
My family is from Cuba, but I'm an American Idol
Gettin' money like Seacrest

Put it on my light, baby
I make you feel right, baby
Can't promise tomorrow
But I'll promise tonight

Excuse me but I might drink a little more than I should tonight
And I might take you home with me if I could tonight
And baby, I'ma make you feel so good tonight
'Cause we might not get tomorrow

Tonight I will love, love you tonight
Give me everything tonight
For all we know we might not get tomorrow
Let's do it tonight

Forget what they say
All my cares, they play
Nothing is enough
'Til I've had enough

(Let's do it tonight)
I want you tonight
I want you to stay
I want you tonight

Grab somebody sexy, tell 'em hey
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight

Excuse me but I might drink a little more than I should tonight
And I might take you home with me if I could tonight
And baby, I'ma make you feel so good tonight
'Cause we might not get tomorrow

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Mail Lambung Vs AhCai bikin Movie...

Fuh~!!!Korang mesti dh tngok kan final Maharaja Lawak, hari jumaat haritu kan.Beberapa hari kemudian,di Twitter Ahmad Idham telah menulis bahawa dia akan bikin filem untuk Mail Lambung vs AhCai.September ini akan dimulakan penggambaran..~~!!!

twitter's ahmad idham


mail lambung

Ah Cai vs Mail Lambung


FUH~!!aku harinie berbangga denga salah seorang kawn aku punya adik...I think its gonna be the next najwa?ana raffali?heee.. :D

Qistina -Sendiri :3

Champagne Shower

 PARTY ROCK sequel it called Champagne Shower

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Plants vs Zombie

FUH~!!!im serious addict to this game so badly.First time i try this game,i was like -,- *apa benda game nie,menyampah lah...
after few try and died few time...i got the objective the game and i smash up that zombie~!!!!MUUAAHHHAHAHAHAH~!!!! Go Die Zombie~!!!Back to Hell~!!


Arra?siapakah arra ini?awesome manakah budak ini?pediam kah orgnya?haa..mari sini,aku nk bercerita sedikit tentang arra nie.Nama dia iala Arrasyidatul Zakiah.Dia umur 14 tahun.Aku panggil dia Arrow.Mula2 aku tegur dia dkt fb kot...mula2 dia agk pemalu..lama kelamaan dia menjadi seorang yg sentiasa gila-gila,happy je 24jam dan dia sentiasa senyum :D.Dia juga seorang yg suka kan kanak-kanak.Dia juga suka membuli saya..sob sob sob..soo sad... :'(

arrow bersama cousinnya azah

I've got 3 words for you

Fuk Off $%^&*~!!!! .n.(-,-).n.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Fastest Rapper....

Rap?LOlz~!that probbaly the hard thing to do?I dont know who people can talk that so fast.But here, few people in the world can do it.Here few people i list that i think fastest ever rapper~!!
busta ryhmes
....(dont know the name)

cost damage 16.9 trillion yen~!!!

11th March 2011, Japan had been hit by an earthquake and tsunami.That event, make Japan had lost estimately 16.9 trillion yen that equal to RM......*you guys do the maths :-)It's still not included the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor accident after the disaster.Estimated make by the Cabinet Office, still not include the compensation to victim of disaster and people who has been transfer during disaster.It's also not include the effect of leakage radiation to the fisherman,agriculture and tourism.

This disaster had, cause 23,000 people died or still missing.It also devastate a house,shop,office,building and factroy and its had been estimate worth 10.4trillion yen or equal to RM393billion.The effect of damage to the water system,gasses and telecommunication network had been estimate worth 1.3trillion yen that equal to RM 49 billion.Damages to other infrastructure included the river,road, etc had been estimate worthly 5.2 trillion yen that equal to RM197 billion.


Uh Ma Gawsh~!!! heee..thank to my sister, who sign up to astro to win free passes to watch MaharajaLawak final at Stadium Melawati.. heee ;-)
Fuh~!!Jumaat hari yg dinanti-nantikan oleh semua rakyat malaysia.Kerana hari Jumaat lh final Maharaja Lawak..woot woot~!!!Tak sangka aku diberi rezeki oleh allah untuk melihat secara live MaharajaLawak dkt Stadium Melawati Shah Alam.Seperti semua ketahui, Sepah telah menangi Maharaja Lawak diikuti oleh Jozan,Nabil dan Jambu.Sepah telah membawa pulang RM350.000 berserta trofi.

p/s:next entry aku try letak pic time dkt stadium ;-)

Thursday, 23 June 2011

WORLD STAGE this 24th JULY~!!!!

Uh Ma Gawsh~!!!!!This 24th july gonna be an event at i-City shah alam sec 7 , THE WORLD STAGE  MALAYSIA 2011~!!!! The artist gonna pefrom there, 30 Second to Mars,Neon Trees,Beast and our local band Pop Shuvit.Ofcourse people gonna meet 30second to Mars,Neon Animal, Beast and Pop Shuvit rite?Come on this july to i-City shah alam.Its gonna be HAPPENING,BOMBASTIC and ROCK SHOW ever ~!!!!

p/s: try to win free ticket :-)

My friend blog.....

LOlz~!!hari ni aku nk tunjuk dkt lu org..blog2 kawan aku yg aku s'lalu baca lh..*sbb tu aku follow :-)

Kali pertama aku baca blog mamat ni,aku FUH~!!!HEBAT~!!dngan wallpaper iphone nya...gambar2 yg bertaraf internationale.. :-)
good job bro..

HAA..Najmi Najib,My fav blogger..his blog always attract me..idk why..when i look his blog im felt happy,ceria2..
nice bro..keep it up :-)

SIFU...hahah, itu lah mungkin perkataan yg sesuai aku gmbar kan budak ni..sbb dia lh aku blh terjebak dlm dunia blog ni..Biar usia aku tetap respect ko..

HAHAH..walaupon bertubuh bab ict ko memang terbaik..thank sbb ajar ye :-)

FUH~!!!this blog (Y) im respect you sista...bagi aku lh..walaupun dia 14..permikiran dia tkde lh mcm 14 sngat..dia agk matang...for me, when read her blog..qiute sad lh juga sometime..but that life...always like a wheel sometime we happy sometime we sad...

LOlz.~!aku ada baca2 juga lh blog ni...aku rasa happy juga lh baca blog dia nie...blh tahan for 14 year girl..not bad sista...keep it up (Y)

hahah~!kawan skola ku yg paling ceria dkt skola..lolz...fara senun..*hmm..mcm mne lh dia blh dpt gelaran 'senun'..ntah lh aku pon tk tau..tau2 je kne panggil dia senun...lolz...nice blog..hee

FUH~!!! Anak pak jenal punya blog..meletup gitu...(Y) blog ni aku rse best juga baca...mcm2 dia bercerita..*aku rse esei dia mesti hebat punya lh...hahah..maklum student kan :-) keep it up..(Y)
OOYEAAH~!! kawn yg punya nama bapak sama..LOlz~!quite fancy lh blog dia...but it still nice :D keep it up sista :p

That why its call present...

Yesterday is history because we can learn from it and hopefully not repeat it in future

Tomorrow is mystery because we can't predict what gonna happen next

Today is gift because what ever happen that day, we only can take it with the smile

Wednesday, 22 June 2011


malique ft tun.dr mahathir

Aku lihat layu dalam Melayu

Aku pasti bukan aku seorang saja yang nampak
Ada juga bercadang bertanya tuan punya
Tapi bercampur risau dengan tak tergamak
Nanti dikata tak bersyukur, dikata tak sedar diri
Jadi aku menyendiri, memerhati dan akhirnya mengakui
Yang kita sendiriMembiarkan bunga raya melayu ke kanan
Dan dibiar bunga tak cantik mekar di kiri
Aku lihat layu dalam MelayuTanah air kita yang punya
Kita siram, kita baja tapi angin api kita lupa
Mereka merancang masa menjilat bangsa13 harimau bertukar menjadi mangsa
Kita lupa nenek moyang kaya-raya
Jangan sekali-kali digadai harta-bendanya

Ku lihat layu dalam Melayu
Ku lihat layu dalam Melayu
Ku lihat layu dalam Melayu

Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia
Ya... tapi apa guna tak hilang di dunia
Kalau kewujudan tidak dirasa
Petah berbahasa kudrat tak berjasa
Orang berbudi kita hanya tahu merasa
Selalu lari bila dirapatSelalu malu bila soalan diaju
Selalu segan memberi pendapat
Rela mengikut dari meneraju
Belum nyanyi sudah bersorak
Suka berjanji dalam borak
Bukan kata tak ada otak
Cuma tak berfikir di luar kotak

Ku lihat layu dalam Melayu
Ku lihat layu dalam Melayu
Ku lihat layu dalam Melayu

Aku jadi sayu
Bunga menangis dia mendayu
Mahu jadi cantik tetapi ragu
Aku merayu
Bangunlah semula hidup kembali
Jangan tunggu matahari mati
Cepatlah mekar sebelum terlerai

Perjuangan kita belum selesai
Perjuangan kita belum selesai

Perjuangan kita belum selesai


Nowdays,there are plenty of smartphone on the market.Today i would like to share with you nokia N9.The newest smartphone on the market.It only takes a swipe to get to what you want with the Nokia N9, and it all floats beautifully on the large, curved display. Stay in touch with people, news, and events. And browse the web. Quickly. Get around with free maps and navigation. And take great pictures with the 8MP camera. The Nokia N9 makes it all smooth, effortless, and gorgeously stylish.

looking great..


Tuesday, 21 June 2011


RIP(June 11, 1977 – June 20, 2011)
The member of crew JACKASS and VIVA LA BAM
p/s:rest in peace...

aktiviti ku...

yaw~!!apa di atas sahabat~sahabatku.Harini aku nk bercakap bahasa melayu lah.Hari ini tidak bnyk yg aku lakukan.Bangun pagi,pergi pecah laju(breakfast) ngna danial,munirah dan bnyk yg diborakkan, hanya bercakp psl pengalaman dorang dlm plkn je..*im the next :-) Lepas tu danial hantar aku balik.*FUH~!!Danial aku suka kereta kau~!!!

Lepas itu, aku dkt rumah tengok tv dan tidur dpn tv sampai pkl 6 lebih.*kantoi tk solat lak..T.T
*insaf2...Aku bangun je tngok ayah aku bawa balik roti canai..FUH~!!apa lgi sapedek~!

Pkl 8 aku on9 facebook tngok im kawan ajak lepak.Pkl 9 lebih usop,adam,jimmy,kecik,nik acap dtng rumah aku ajak lepak mkn dkt 7 *MIE BURGER..terbaik~!!!! Lepas tu, kami pergi ke E.P(extreme park) lepak SENYAP...walaupun tk beberapa nk senyap lh keadaannya.Tengah lepak2 ucop tnya nk pergi mana lagi?ktorng pon termenung lah, memikirkan hendak pergi mana..Lepas itu ucop ajak pergi ke AC untuk main fusboll and pool.Apa lagi bergerak lh ktorng ke AC.HAHAH~!lawak tngok dorang main fusboll..Lepas dah abis main fusboll ktorng main poo.Mula-mula adam lwn nik acap.Adam tapau nik setelah hampir kalah dngan nik acap.Lepas tu jimmy lwn ucop.HAHAH~!Lepas abis semua main, nik acap ajak semua balik..Sekian cerita ku untuk hari ni..
Peace upon you :-)

p/s:damn you~!!!


HAHAHA~!!!I cant stop laugh since im watch this anime.The anime so cute.Lucky Channel is actually one additional segment after ended of the show in LUCKY STAR.The anime, look like in the set of talk show.This segment  is co-hosted by Akira Kogami and her assistant is  Minoru Shiraishi.

eps 1-3 english sub

akira kogami
minoru and akira

Sunday, 19 June 2011

LOlz~!way to dump your gf.

my friend,my buddy and his is my BABAH

Today i would to share with you guy,the person i most respect and love most.He is my friend,my buddy and importanly is my father. :-) His name is Mohamad Rasid b.Abu Bakar.His has been my mentor in everthing.His also have teach me alot about life.Me and my father, we shared alot common thing like, watch wrestling together,watch golf and watch movie together.Dad im know im not such a good kid but however im try to changed it :-) I love you BAbah~!!!!

meet my Babah :-)

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Chris Brown-Next 2 You

You've got that smile
That only heaven can make
I pray to God every day
That you keep that smile

You are my dream
There's not a thing I won't do
I'll give my life up for you
'Cause you are my dream

And baby everything that I have is yours
You will never go cold or hungry
I'll be there when you're insecure
Let you know that you're always lovely, girl
'Cause you are the only thing that I got right now

One day when the sky is fallin'
I'll be standing right next to you, right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
'Cause i'll be standing right next to you, right next to you

If you had my child
You would make my life complete
Just to have your eyes on a little me
That'd be mine forever

And baby everything that I have is yours
You will never go cold or hungry
I'll be there when you're insecure
Let you know that you're always lovely, girl

[ From: ]

'Cause you are the only thing that I got right now

One day when the sky is fallin'
I'll be standing right next to you, right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I'll be standing right next to you, right next to you

We're made for one another
Me and you
And i have no fear
I know we'll make it through

One day when the sky is fallin'
I'll be standing right next to you

One day when the sky is fallin'
I'll be standing right next to you, right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I'll be standing right next to you, right next to you

Stand by my side, side, side
When the sky, falls, down
I'll be there, i'll be there
You've got that smile
That only heaven can make
I pray to God every day
To keep you forever


Friday, 17 June 2011

GADGET:Nintendo 3DS

Today i would like to share with you guy new gadget from nintendo, it called Nintendo 3DS.Nintendon 3DS is the youngest siblings in Nintendo's DS.The shape of Nintendon 3DS uses the iconic clamshell design.It also more chubbier than DS Lite but it almost identically to DSi.It call 3DS because you can play as 3D.It look cool, however you only can play with it 2.5hour without charge it before it turn blinking like ultraman.

                                  Nintendo 3DS

                           Super Mario 3DS


HAHAHAH~!!!!who is gogolla?actually i dont know about this guy.BUT~! one of my friends is become to addict to this guy~!!

p/s:udah2 lee berangan wahai 'sister in-law'ku :p


*my friend
*my gayyer
*my bestie
*my sifu


*my friend
*my bestie
*my gayyer
*my sifu

p/s:without you empty :-(


p/s:Kbye.Godie. t(-,-t)

When fashion gone wrong...



Thursday, 16 June 2011

We ride, We fall and We grind it...

SKATE??Lolz~!!!That would like be, the last thing i try.But however, that the new thing me and my friend try last night.Honestly i say, our first attempt was like (-,-) Lolz~!!!!But i believe in the word of wisdom, 'experiences is the best teacher'.That word, is soooooo...TRUE~!!!!We all fall alot.*it hurt alot...But we guys never give up~!!!We all keep try play skateboard untill we did it.Almost few from us manage to skate it and ride it .We also almost done the trick like 'ollie and manual'.Thanks also to Kocat and few other skater who teach us how to skate and give us little advice before start play the skate.I just want to say 'GAMBATE' my friends~!!!!keep-keep fighting ~ keep-keep fighting~!!!We ride,we fall and we grind it~!!!!

*Thank to Khadijah Annuar for borrow your skateboard(serius lawa deck hang) :-)
p/s:sorry if there any scratched on your's deck.we also almost get done trick like ollie and manual .we are truely sorry :-( *nanti kasi lh pinjam lgi ye :-)

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

AS$ 150million house owned by Ecclestone daugther..

Do you know who is Ecclestone?Ecclestone is the owner of F1(Formula One).His real name is Bernard Charles 'Bernie' Ecclestone.His is a British sport enterprenuer.Actually, i want share with you guys out there about Ecclestone daugther Petra Ecclestone.The sources say that, she just brought house from widow holloywood legend Aaron Spelling around two years ago.Aaron Spelling is producer who produce show like Charlie's Angle,Dynasty and Beverly Hills 90210.That house also have bowl alley,saloon and a parking space for 100 cars.-*resource:utusan malaysia.


First Lady AS$10,000

As i online this morning,i read a newspaper online.I'm qiute suprise about this news.The headline news is about 'RM30, 329 for posing with U.S. First Lady'.The United State of America First Lady, Michelle Obama have been charge around AS$10,000(RM30,329) for each of the group of bidding to illustrated with her.

This ceremony, was attended by 500 poeple bidders.This event was to, raise the fund for his political husband,Barack Obama for the next president election on 2012.

She has been reported that, successful collected around AS$5 million(RM 15.1 million)

Monday, 13 June 2011


As i read my friends blog najmi najib zakaria @ about his dream car BMW X6.I'm also would like to shared with  you guys my dream car that i target at 40 i can buy this car.My dream car is would be a BMW 3series sedan.I have been dreaming about this car since i saw bmw 318i.




Today entry is about this guy, who one of the iphone4 invention.His name is  Timothy Seng Yen Lim, 24.His study at  Standford University.His has been gave trust by company apple to invention the new model of iphone4.His also now work at Yahoo! Inc, United State of America for formulate the organization to the world renowned news and communications.You guys, can read it more on

Sunday, 12 June 2011

iPod MAGIC..Marco Tempest

Few days ago, as i searching video on youtube.I saw this amazing video using ipod touch.This magic make by MARCO TEMPEST.This magic insprited by Karl Germain(1878-1959).Karl Germain real name is Charles Mattmueller.He is an American lawyer and a magician by using stage name Germain the Wizard...

Germain the Wizard
Marco Tempest

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Finger Skate...

Today,as i hang out with my friends at bunger king at skatepark 13.Iwas talking with my friend and than i saw this one guy,he got finger skate board plus with iron cross on his table.*kagum bai~!!!!He so coolio~!!!

hermes skate

Friday, 10 June 2011


As i search video in youtube...i saw this one video about angry birds.In Barcelona, 11th May 2011 people at there build a 1 set identically like game in angry birds.It look more fuuny!


selamat pagi sayang....

Selamat Pagi Sayang Lirik - DJ Fuzz & Noh Hujan

Selamat pagi sayang
Bulan telah hilang
Buka mata sayang
Hari kian siang dan mendatang
Tak ingin ku lepas semua

Jangan bangkit sayang
Biar seketika
Dakap lebih lama
Ku mahu senyuman yang sempurna
Mencintai sepenuhnya

Kasih berikan daku masa
Sebelum kau pergi menghadap dunia
Belai daku dengan mesra
Kerna itu sahaja yang daku pinta

Jangan pergi sayang
Lupakan sahaja
Usah keluar sayang
Ku mahu kau ada setiap masa
Ku tak mahu keseorangan

(ulang korus)

Biar selamanya
Hanya kau dan aku bergerak perlahan menghenti masa
Namun kita hanya oh manusia biasa
Yang hanya mampu menikmati indahnya kita berdua

(ulang korus)

Read more: