Uh Ma Gawsh~!!what a tired day for me..Today i try something difference.Something that, i couldn't ever imagine.Me being as a extra actor?lolz~!!YEAP that right..im as extra actor in new movie called 'X'.Lolz~!!!*serious aku tk tipu...Serious aku mcm kekok belakon jap tp lepas few scene bru lh kira ok..Lolz~!!!Movie ni mengishakan mengenai drift.FUH~!!penat lh sia time shooting..dari pkl 8pagi sampai 8 mlm baru habis..*penat gila mcm haram tp best juga(padahal dtng lambat)...Thank to Kocat sbb ajak aku and Asrul for the ride..Macam-macam perkataan yg aku belajar, contohnya bilik konti,prop..dll.Btw I'm so fascinated with the technique of drifting.The drifting is done by my friend's brother..Johan Norman.But unfortunately, his nissan laurel is wrecked during the shooting...so sad men..bumper kereta tercabut,tayar rosak sebelah..*dh lah baru keluar bengkel kot~!!!damn~!!! Btw during the shoot session i saw Pierre Andre but unfortunately i'm not bring the camera, so i can't take a pic with him.
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Kaustar Norman |
Johan Norman |
p/s:aku try minta kawan aku video time nissan laurel accident tu..
lamanya tak jumpa kocat :')